- Creative Fields Interactive Installations
The interactive installation ζωή (Zoé) underlines and interrogates our role within the environments we inhabit. Our presence and our actions generate effects on the ecosystem and its components, because, when we share that space, we become a part of the flow of energy that characterizes the system itself.
The interactive installation ζωή (Zoé) comprises a circular scene, about five metres in diameter, originating in the union of natural elements (white sand and water) with artificial ones. A circular projection from above presents images of a living ecosystem, generated through a simulation featuring artificial “life”. The scene is surrounded by an immersive sound system.
Creatures within this environment arise, grow, feed, reproduce, interact with each other and with humans, and finally die.
The living beings are the result of the random combinations made by the software, which assembles the different body parts in an ever-changing way.
Children enter the scene barefoot. They interact, with their movements, with the “living” beings. In doing so, they change the dynamic balance of the ecosystem, which will try to adapt to the new presence by modifying and reorganizing itself. There will then be an evolution of the system as it changes to find a new